Originally published on 25 March 2014. Several years ago in the late 1990s, I was flipping through a British fashion
magazine which was discussing the science behind the well sculptured
dresses; bustles from the Victorian era (1800s) which enhanced women's
features especially the bust and the buttocks area. Back then I could
not help but observe the striking similarities between the dresses and
the physical features of African women; recall that back in the day, the globally 'accepted' feminine shape was that of the waif, glamorised by the fashion industry.

Not long ago, I was reading about Sarah Baartman (who was derided as the
'Hottentot Venus'); what I found completely left
me dumbfounded. Around 1811, a Khoisan woman from Southern Africa named Sarah
Baartman was brought to Europe on display because of her enormous breasts,
genitals and buttocks. Her features caused so much frenzy that even Charles
Darwin alluded that 'the posterior part
of the body (which) projects in a wonderful manner' inspired the transformative
bustle which seemed to enhance the sexual appeal of the 18th century women.
Sander Gilman, an American Cultural and Literary Historian, in 1985 also admitted that there was a nineteenth century fascination with Sarah Baartman's behind.
One shocking poem from the 19th Century by Berry Printer, sums it up -
it explains how the presence of the Hottentot Venus (Sarah Baartman)
overthrew hitherto perceived notions of art, entertainment and a
woman's sexuality. According to him in a ballad;
'The fashionables...are stiring every stump with pads, and hoops... to imitate her rump.
In days of yore.... a sterling English play was then to men of
sense a feast, but now a Hottentot's the rage - good Lord, how chang'd
is taste!'
While it has been widely reported that the young woman
suffered humiliation in the hands of her captors who saw her as nothing more
than a creature worthy to be displayed like an animal in a circus, the fact
remains clear that although with the racism of the time, she was objectified
and relegated to the lowest rung of humans in the evolution ladder, she may
have left a more powerful footprint in the social and cultural evolution of
Europe. If she inspired the fashion of an era, that implies that her shape was
desired and secretly admired by women and men alike.
Photo credits: Google
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