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Before you buy that Valentine's gift, read this

Ever had the experience of spending weeks or even months preparing for Valentine’s Day and buying what you felt was the perfect gift, and as the days build up to that romantic and sensual moment, BAM! Something happens and you break up. The gifts are either stuck with you or you hate yourself for gifting them out in the first place to someone you would now call an asshole?

The season of love is here again, a time for sharing, exchanging gifts and most definitely spending. Have you ever noticed that a lot of time and money goes into planning to get our loved one(s) and partner(s) the best Valentine’s Day gifts, and that many-a-time, we end up buying the wrong gifts or indulging in irrelevant spending? Valentine’s Day is expensive and millennials are the biggest spenders, followed by the generation before them. 

Most people shop without thinking through what they are spending their money or time on. It’s the first quarter of the year and everyone hasn’t fully recovered from the Christmas or holiday spending let alone back to school responsibilities. Frivolous spending in February may backfire.

While it’s an A-ha! moment for businesses, shoppers should spend wisely by choosing gifts which will be cherished and valued. For instance, just because a cake looks yummy does not mean you should buy it for someone who doesn’t want cakes. And just because chocolates are hyped as romantic gifts doesn’t mean your lover will appreciate them. Getting the right gifts can be tricky, but sometimes, people don’t need any gifts at all, they cherish the moments spent with them.

So, before you break the bank this February, take a closer look at the person(s) you would love to spend on and do a little homework to find out what gifts will be most suitable and if there is need for any gifts at all. There will be a lot of temptation to buy something on or before Valentine’s Day but after that day has come and gone, you are very likely to ask yourself what the fuss was all about 😊

Image credit: Rodnae Productions




  1. Great article.
    I wonder how many people reflect on such things before doing the expensive shopping that may not make any impression at the end of the day.


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