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Can you handle a man's premature ejaculations or loss of erection?

This man has been into this young woman for a very long time. He has tried several times to ask her out on a date but she has refused to give him the ‘green light’. One day, she gives in and they begin to get friendly. On the day he tries to make out with her for the first time, he ‘drips’ on her bare laps. The young woman is very disappointed and does not hide her disappointment.

As a woman, have you found yourself in a situation where your date or boyfriend who has been longing to make love to you, loses his erection in the heat of the moment or has an early drip or pre-mature ejaculation? While this can be an easy turn off to many women, it is a break or make moment for many men – something that can cause them so much shame and pain for a very long time. This is why it is very

important to handle sexual relationships with maturity. The people involved should be able to understand and bear with one another at such times. It is not a time for mockery or breakups.

It is normal to experience this in a relationship. While some men living in Abuja, whom I have asked, for instance, say that the reason a man loses his erection easily, or does not last long enough in bed could be as a result of consuming too much alcohol, or stress from too many demands and expectations, other causes include:

  • ·         Feelings of inadequacy; for example, when a man thinks too much about satisfying a woman to the point that all his concentration goes to his performance, he can lose his erection while wondering if he will satisfy her or not.
  • ·         Underlying medical conditions like diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol.
  • ·         Some medications, drug abuse.
  • ·         Mood swings, mental disorder.

Others have pointed to anxiety as the main reason why some men have pre mature ejaculation – when for instance, a man fantasizes about a woman for so long that he can no longer control his excitement when he finally gets to be intimate with her.

So, if you happen to experience any of these, one of the best ways to handle it is to make your partner feel safe with you. Hold his hand or embrace him tightly and lovingly when this happens and stay in that tight embrace with him until he is willing to let go. Let him know that it is OK, and leave it at that. If this happens too frequently, you can talk him into seeking medical help or therapy, though I’m quite sure he would prefer taking that advise from his fellow man.

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