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Las Las, It Shall Be Well..... #GlobalCitizen

First published March 25 2020. Behind every disappointment is a blessing....
Have we been too busy to take care of our spiritual, mental or physical health? To connect with our friends, know our children, their needs or talents? Too busy to care? Too busy for family, love, romance, sex, friendships, relationships or simply knowing our neighbours? Too busy to have fun or take on that personal project we've been putting off for years?

Now may be the best time to stop and reflect on our lifestyle. The world is at a standstill. It happens once in a lifetime. Many of us are less busy, uncertain. Businesses are closing for a while - we don't know for how long. The kids are home...

But rather than dwell in panic, confusion or fear, engage the kids in a schedule, entertain them, bond with them, teach them our language. Make that call - settle that dispute. Rekindle that relationship. Start that project. It's time for that shift in consciousness... Correcting any wrong routes we've taken.

The beginning of wisdom is to know that we don't know. We cannot control everything. We don't have the answers to every question.

Las las it shall be well and we will be the better for it. 🌼🌺



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